This is a collection of cultures we have visited from 2005 to 2024, where women play a dominant role in the family and/or society. It is a continuation of our Where Women Rule project, and hopefully will be published one day accompanied with our painting, doodles and research.
Locations of all the cultures we have visited to date

Terms used to describe cultures where women play a major role in the family and society.
Matrilineal system: This is a collective term describing a social system that has either or both of the following: matrilineal name, matrilineal inheritance.
Matrilineal name: The surname or clan name is passed from mother to her children. The opposite is the patrilineal system where children receive the father’s name.
Matrilineal inheritance: The family or ancestral property is predominantly passed from mother to daughter. The opposite is patrilineal inheritance from father to son.
Matrifocal family: The woman is the head of the household and children, and often manages the family purse. The husband plays a lesser role within the family.
Matrilocal residence: When a couple is married, the man has to move to the wife’s family home.