Where women Rule

Welcome to a series of investigative travel books in search of matriarchy – where women have naturally become strong without having to fight for equal rights.

The project has taken Katerina and I roughly six years to complete, and has led us all over the world from Mexico to Indonesia, up into China and over to India. The books are designed to bring the awkward subject of gender roles to a wider audience using quirky on-location sketches, in-depth historical research and our own travel experiences.

Warrior women of the Isthmus

EBook 1: Warrior Women of the Isthmus

Meet the Tehuanas of Southern Mexico, and learn how their feisty charm and entrepreneurship have allowed them to rise above the men and become national icons of the country.

Unexpected Matriarchs

EBook 2: Unexpected Matriarchs

Get to know the Minangkabau women of West Sumatra, and discover that although they live within an Islamic society, age old traditions have given them unexpected privileges within the community.

Kingdom of free love

EBook 3: Kingdom of Free Love

Journey high into the Chinese Himalayas to the remote Mosuo tribe, which is fast becoming a major tourist attraction. Officially promoted as a ‘Kingdom of Women’, but unofficially tagged a sex theme park!

Land of lost male rights

EBook 4: Land of Lost Male Rights

Drink tea with the Khasi women of Northeast India, and learn how they have inherited unprecedented powers over the family – driving the men to campaign for equal rights!

About the authors

Simon Bird: Hi, I’m from East Devon in the United Kingdom. I studied Fine Art at Cheltenham College of Art and have been travelling the world for the past 20 years, painting and creating films and animation with indigenous tribes.

Katerina Karaskova: Hello! I’m from the Czech Republic, and I studied Law at Charles University in Prague. This has led me into the humanitarian and development field, where I have worked for over eight years in Uganda, Kenya, Guatemala, London and Prague.

I have published the CZ language printed version of the Where Women Rule project, which you can find in all good book stores in Czechia, or through my website : Kde ženy vládnou

Proofreading and copy-editing by Alexander G. Menyharth-Brigers: alexbrigers.wixsite.com/master-editing

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